Fearless February Week Three: Creating Your Strategy

Fearless February Week Three: Creating Your Strategy

So, you have this vision sitting inside of your head… and you desperately want to bring it to fruition.

But you can’t.

Every morning you wake up with determination that today will be the day…

But then… it isn’t.

Ouch. Why?


First let me start off by saying that you are not alone. (Why do we always get it in our heads that we are the only one struggling with this stuff? UGH!) A LOT of people feel this way. In fact, I would argue that most people go through seasons like this. It’s completely normal and you are NOT a failure.

You just need a strategy.

It doesn’t matter if your goal is related to business, personal, relational… you need to create a road map. Otherwise you’ll just get lost.

Lost in emotion. Lost in a lack of motivation. Lost in the busyness of life.

I have found that if I take the time to create a detailed strategy for my goals on a GOOD DAY then when the inevitable happens and an off day comes… I just have to stick with the plan. And if I miss something one day, it’s not the end of the world. I can continue on the next day.

Having a strategy in place simplifies a seemingly complicated process.

Here are 4 ways that you can find your own strategy…


1. Get Very Specific With Your Vision

This is when we sit down with God and we pray for Him to give us the vision. What is the goal? What does this goal mean to you? Why are you doing it? What does reaching this goal look like? I encourage you to get very specific. If you want to take it a step further, try creating an actual vision board! Something that you can look at that reminds you of what you’re after and why. This can include pictures, words, and other things related to reaching your goal. Go on Pinterest and search vision board ideas for inspiration!

2. Do Your Research

When I want to start something new, I always do my research to figure out who has done it and how. We learn from each other and we grow. It’s important to stay humble and be a student first. No one just walks into something knowing everything about it. If you want to be a great singer, you can look up vocal exercises to practice. If you want to get fit, you can research meal plans and workout plans. Anything you want to do - chances are there is someone who can help offer you tips and inspiration on how to get there. Now, it’s important to note that this doesn’t mean going and copying someone else exactly. They aren’t you and what works for them may not work for you. But getting inspired and trying out new things does help tremendously!

3. Create a Plan

I want you to figure out exactly what you want to accomplish first. For example, let’s say your BIG goal is to get the house completely decluttered and organized.

Your first step would be to set a small measurable goal like, “I want to declutter and reorganize my master bedroom” Create a list of tasks based on your small goal and work towards completing a set number of those tasks every day. Then you’ll be able to clearly see how long it will take to reach that first goal and you can set an end date for it.

Once you reach that first small goal, set another one. And another one. And another one. Before you know it, that BIG goal will be reached!

I like doing things this way because it makes me feel less overwhelmed. When I can see clearly what needs to be done and roughly how long it will take - I feel more empowered. Rather than just reacting day to day… which does not work for me.

4. Do it!

No more excuses! It’s time to take that strategy and move on it. Goals are won through small mundane daily tasks done over and over again with consistency. Some days you’ll feel excited and inspired! And some days you’ll really need to push yourself. But the important thing is that you never give up - even after a set back (which will happen, as it happens to all of us.)

We are imperfect people. So how can we expect perfection out of ourselves?

The important thing is not that we execute our plans perfectly but that we keep moving. Determine right now that you are NOT going to give up. You are going to make this happen! And God is with you so nothing is impossible as long as it is in His will for you. Hold onto that.

And be aware that when you are walking in your calling - you will have opposition. Not everyone is going to get it. And even your loved ones may question why you’re going after this thing. Well meaning people who care about you can still be wrong. Just because someone loves you does not always mean that they know or understand the dream that God has placed in your heart. And that’s ok. You can still succeed. You don’t need other people to understand you or what you’ve been called to. And that is one of the biggest lessons I have been learning (continually) through walking in my purpose. God is the only audience I need. The audience of ONE.

Just do it. Just. DO. IT.

You will be glad that you did.

And seriously… don’t forget that you’re doing an AMAZING job.

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