Jessica Dianne

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Fearless February Week Two: Why Fear Is a Liar (And How To Overcome It)

Can I let you in on a little secret?…

Your fears are almost always greater than your challenges.

Let me say that again…

Your fears are almost always greater than your challenges.

What exactly do I mean by that?

Well… let’s dissect.

What is fear?

The definition of fear is…

fear: an unpleasant emotion caused by a belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

Now take a look at how Webster defines a challenge…

challenge: a task or situation that tests someones abilities.

Your fears… those beliefs that you can’t do it or that you are being faced with an invisible threat… they’re almost ALWAYS bigger (perceivably bigger) than the ACTUAL challenge in front of you. The fear FEELS so big - like you’re facing a giant! Because you are allowing it to fester and grow into a mountainous wall… while without that seemingly huge fear you’d be fully capable of overcoming the challenge itself.

(To put it simply: It’s like when you avoid cleaning out the closet. The longer you put it off, the more you dread it. But when you actually do the work of cleaning it out… you realize that it was more work (mentally) putting it off than actually getting it done.)

We allow fear to keep us stuck. Trapped. We overcomplicate, overanalyze, make excuses…Instead of just trusting that the God who brought us to it will be faithful to guide us through it.

The enemy knows all your buttons and believe me he is going to push them all. He wants you to give up. He wants you to believe that those fears are a real threat.

So girl… you have got to PUSH BACK!

Here are three ways you can begin to push back against fear and conquer the challenge in front of you.

1. Look to God’s Word.

God’s word tells us that when we are weak, then we are strong. (2 Corinthians 12:10) God’s Word tells us that fear is a downright liar and that the enemy is the father of lies. (John 8:44) God’s Word tells us that we have a spirit of POWER and not of fear. (2 Timothy 1:7) We are more than conquerers! (Romans 8:37)

If you really study what His word says about you - you would realize that He made you for a purpose. And when He places a vision and a dream in your heart, He is faithful to give you the power to see it through. Get those scriptures and write them out, memorize them, meditate on them.

2. Be Intentional.

Going into autopilot will not serve you. You have to be intentional. Sit down and prayerfully write out what your goal or challenge is and then create a plan to complete it. Set an end date on your goal and decide what steps need to be taken each day to get there. When you wake up each morning set your intentions for the day. Big goals are not reached by accident… they are an accumulation of the small and often mundane tasks completed over and over again - every day.

3. Do Not Give Up

If God has called you to this, He will guide you through it. Whether it be getting your home decluttered and in order, paying off all your debt, or starting a new business. You have to determine from the start that no matter what - you will NOT give up. As long as you don’t give up, you’re already ahead of so many other people.

If you don’t give up, what can stop you? Even if you make a mistake (which is inevitable - and completely okay FYI) it won’t stop you. You’ll just learn from it and move forward. If you fall off for a week just jump back on as soon as you realize it and keep on moving. Figure out why you’re doing this and determine to never give up. Instead of wishing for success - determine that success in NON NEGOTIABLE.

Now it’s time to get started! Need some accountability? Join the Fearless February Challenge! For more info go here. And comment below telling me what goal or challenge you are going to conquer first!