Jessica Dianne

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Self Care When You're Sick (And a Mom!)

I don’t know about you, but it’s hard for me to stop and take the time to give myself adequate rest and self care when I am sick. I feel like I have to keep going (because let’s face it… they need me!) I still have to keep the little people alive and I don’t want to let the house go either…

So what is the answer?

I feel like there is never an EASY fix for these things, if I am being completely honest. It takes a village and it takes some planning outside of being sick to make things easier when you are sick. Read on to find out what my 5 TIPS are for staying sane, taking care of you and of your home and family when you are under the weather…

  1. Ask for help

Yep! That’s right. You can’t do it alone. Ask for help from anyone willing to help you. Whether that means helping with the kids, cleaning the house or ordering you delivery for dinner… It’s more than ok to ask for help. Another thing I love is grocery delivery! It’s a huge life saver when I’m sick at home. They leave the groceries at the door and I don’t have to worry about asking someone to stop by the store for me. (I use Shipt for my grocery delivery!)

2. Prepare ahead of time

If you’re already sick, this tip is more for the future. Think ahead before you’re sick and keep certain items in your home, at all times. Things like electrolytes, vitamins, medications and other things you know you will need in these situations. We keep a couple of different bins in our home with these necessary items in them and it makes life so much easier when illness hits!

3. Get creative

Chances are, if you’re sick then so is everyone else. Try moving the mattress out into the living room and making it a movie day! My kids enjoy laying around and watching movies with me or my husband when they’re sick. Just because you’re sick doesn’t mean the day has to be completely miserable, you can still enjoy bonding time and cuddling up to your kiddos!

4. Give yourself (and everyone around you) grace

Expect for the unexpected and let it be ok. If your house does end up destroyed, it’s ok. It’s not the end of the world. You can get it back together when you’re feeling better. Sometimes we have to accept that things aren’t always going to go as planned, and that’s ok! God has you and He has your family.

5. Take the time to ACTUALLY take care of yourself

Find time to take a bubble bath, drink some hot tea, put on that humidifier, get out that devotional, get that rest, drink plenty of fluids, use your oils… take care of YOU and let that be ok, too. Sometimes it’s hard for us moms to give ourselves permission to breath and rest. Let me be the one to give you that permission right now!

I hope this list helps! Take care momma and I hope you get to feeling better soon!