Patriotic Sensory Bottle

Patriotic Sensory Bottle

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Our Toddler can’t get enough of these sensory bottles lately! So we decided to make another one… this time we went for a patriotic theme!

Perfect for the 4th of July!

You’ll only need a bottle, water and some red white and blue stars. Super easy!

I got these stars at Walmart. They were inexpensive and super bright and perfect for a patriotic theme.

This bottle is from Michaels. They’re my favorite for sensory projects because they’re cute to display and also inexpensive!

Now just add your stars to your bottle…

Fill with water and voila! Happy toddler!

It’s the simple things that wow them! Like when you buy them some really cool toy and all they want to do it play with the box that it came in. Toddlers and kids have big imaginations and can take the most basic things and turn them into something magical.

And on top of being able to use this for play, it makes the perfect calming bottle. When you need to redirect a frustrated child you can hand them this and encourage them to watch the stars fall slowly. This is a great way to settle them down.

If you made this patriotic sensory bottle I’d love to see how it turned out! Tag me on IG @jessicadiannexoxo with the hashtag #patrioticsensorybottle

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